A few months ago we launched the Advisor Board Builder -- a routing system that connects promising players to advisors like Tyler Cowen, Stephen Wolfram, and Devon Zuegel.
But we’re not resting on our laurels. Pioneer’s mission is to build a real online city. A place that feels vibrant. Alive. Where interactions are immediate and intimate. So we’re upgrading from interacting over email to live chat with a new feature called Advisor Chat.
Over the course of the tournament, advisors will make surprise appearances in Pioneer’s chat universe. They’ll answer questions, learn what players are up to and generally try to help out. Just like bumping into someone on the street, some of them will be unscheduled -- an advisor will go online whenever they have a few minutes free. So stay connected to avoid missing out!
Here's what it looks like when one of our advisors, Sriram Krishnan (who runs product at Twitter) signs on:

Nick is an advisor on Pioneer and a researcher at OpenAI. Here’s what his session looked like last week:

This feature is rolling out to players in the current tournament. If you’d like to interact with advisors like Sriram and Nick, sign up to play the next Pioneer Tournament here: https://pioneer.app.