's progress update - February 13th, 2023
GreatAlbum helps fans of youth sports teams celebrate and relive their experiences and strengthen the relationships that bind them
🚀Submit MassChallenge app
🎬Rewrite pitch deck around new founder's story
🛠Sprint 12: 12 issues to deploy
⏩Further refine onboarding process flows
🏀Onboard youth basketball team
👩Attend startup funding session
📊Updated KPI charts/article
🛠Continued sprint 12: closed 14 of 37 issues
⏩Refined using personal workflows (Soccer mom, grandma)
🚀MassChallenge app in progress
🏀Onboarded 29 parents of youth basketball team
👩Attended startup funding session; hosted C Corp session
📊Updated KPI charts/article
🛠Continued sprint 12: closed 14 of 37 issues
⏩Refined using personal workflows
🚀MassChallenge app in progress
🏀Onboarded 29 parents of youth basketball team
👩Attended startup funding session; hosted C Corp session
Have you raised funds? Did you use equity, SAFE, convertible note or other instrument for investors? If so, can we talk? I'm at this stage.