's progress update - December 4th, 2022

What are you building, in a sentence?

I'm building a product called Ask Me Anything, which is a tool for your audience to ask you anything.

Project website
What are your KPIs?
Goal: 100 by January 31st, 2023
Current: 0
Day-7 Retention Rate
Goal: 20% by December 31st, 2022
Current: 8%
What did you accomplish this week? Did you do everything you planned?

- Keep iterating the product to improve the retention rate
- Get 20+ new users to create their AMA page
- Integrate Paddle to be the payment provider


- Release 4 versions to production
- Add the basic onboarding after signing up
- Support sign up/in with Twitter and Google
- Get 26 new users to create their AMA page
- Finish the front-end part of Integrating Paddle

What do you want to have done by the end of next week?

- Keep iterating the product to improve the retention rate
- Get 30+ new users to create their AMA page
- Integrate Paddle to be the payment provider

What would you like feedback on from the community?

Welcome to sign up for free and tell me what do you expect from ask me anything? Many thanks!