Suppose you have an idea you're excited about. You npm init and get to it.

Nothing matches the adrenaline and flow in building something new. You know you should talk to users, but…”Who do I email? What do I say? Will their replies even matter? Gah. I’m just going to build. Marc Andreessen said so.”

Today, we’re announcing Launcher: a new approach to help founders ship their next major release.

Launcher helps you understand what to focus on pre-launch, when there are no obvious compass headings to read. Whether you’re working towards your first launch or the next major version of your product, it’ll guide you through what to focus on in a fun and colorful way.

It's like the best VC advice in the world, but implemented in software.

We’re rolling out Launcher in beta. Over the next few months, we’ll release additional levels, like helping users focus on post-launch goals like growth or revenue. If you have a project you’re curious to take to the next level, give it a go!

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